Your Compliance Competency Journey
PerfectShield™ tracks your company’s performance and improvements over time.
Guiding your company through our certification model of self-regulation is a tremendous opportunity to show leadership and direction to your employees…
As you continue to implement our compliance model, you are establishing an effective program to deter wrongdoing and minimize the risk of punishment by enforcement agencies. Your accomplishments are recognized with a PerfectShield™ seal of approval that signals that you have taken reasonable steps towards ensuring compliance thus effectively managing risk across your business and/or supply chain.
The Process of Self-Regulation = A Process of Risk Management:
PerfectShield™ Seal of Approval
Your decision to self-regulate, to voluntarily develop an ethical self-policing culture, has significant real-world ramifications, key among these is shaping a positive perception of your company by the U.S. Government, the American public, Wall Street and/or potential business partners and acquisition candidates.
A progress on your competency journey is recognized with FormerFed’s PerfectShield™ seal of approval signaling that you have taken reasonable steps towards ensuring compliance.